Because Business is Personal

Taco Nights Over Cold Calls: Breaking the Traditional Realtor Rules with 'Fortune and Fun' Community-Focused Success

Mike Caldwell

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In this value-packed episode of Because Business is Personal, I dive deep with three Realtors who've achieved what most in their industry only dream of: consistent success without harassing friends and family, wasting money on expensive and useless marketing, or ultimately burning out.

Michael McKinley, Conner Nielsen, and Josh White share the exact strategies that helped them generate over $47 million in sales in 2024, including:

  • Josh's lucrative builder relationships that now have him earning commissions on homes he's never seen for buyers he's never met
  • Mike's revolutionary 10-minute consultation approach (complete with the "$100 bill promise" that instantly sets him apart from every other agent)
  • Conner's remarkable story of turning an initial rejection into a closed deal through authentic relationship building
  • The "16-8-2 triangle" that creates predictable income with far fewer leads than most agents chase

Unlike theoretical advice from coaches who haven't sold a home in years (if ever), these active Realtors share what's working right now in today's market.

Whether you're in real estate or any relationship-based business, this conversation reveals how focusing on quality connections and genuine service creates more sustainable success than traditional "hustle and grind" approaches.

Ready to transform your approach? Book a free strategy session at and learn how to implement these principles in your own business.

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alright hey everyone welcome to another episode of because business is personal I'm particularly excited about today's guest because they embody pretty much everything this podcast stands for you see well most real estate coaching focuses on tactics and technology these three successful Realtors have built multi million dollar businesses by prioritizing genuine relationships and community they host taco parties in their homes instead of sending out email drip campaigns they focus on building 200 meaningful connections rather than managing massive databases of strangers they're the team behind fortune and Fun Formula and today they're gonna show realtors exactly how to add $10,000 per month to their income without cold calling without spamming social media or having to sacrifice everything with that you know hustle and grind mentality and they want you to make sure that you stay until the end cause they've agreed to make you a special offer exclusively to our my listeners that they've actually never made before so Mike Connor Josh welcome I wanna jump right in with the elephant in the room and according to NAR statistics that's the National Association of Realtors the vast majority of Realtors are failing miserably I think I even read somewhere that was either 71 or 73% of Realtors fail to sell a single home last year but I see there's no shortage of courses and coaches and gurus and education so what are these realtors doing wrong that's killing their business well they're not implementing strategies at the end of the day they don't have a system in a process that they're following and if they are following they're kind of like Frankensteining it where you know they're picking up this from this social media guru and that from that social media guru and so what the typical Realtor day looks like is they wake up you know they scroll on social media they think about what am I gonna post today uh they think about you know should should I go to this class that the brokerage is teaching to help me improve my business and they and they go learn from people that like aren't doing business and then they start doing what those people are doing and so yeah it's just they don't have a proven implement of like system or strategy and they're not doing it on a consistent basis cause they just don't have it yeah I mean that's exactly right what we found is that real estate isn't complicated but it is specific and that's why we came up with our 16 8 and 2 formula which is 16 like qualified leads which is leads to eight consultations and then two closings or two premium clients at the end of the month and so it's not complicated but when you have those numbers it does drive those results okay so wait let me make sure I I heard this correctly so you're saying that a thriving real estate business only needs 16 quality leads for months like that seems pretty low like I've heard you need like thousands right I know people are realtors are paying for hundreds of online leads how can such a small number of leads possibly uh be enough to build a sustainable business that sounds kind of counterintuitive um but it's all about quality versus quantity you know those realtors that are buying all the leads you know hundreds of leads they're kind of almost getting like cold information it's basically a cold call I think the stats are like speed to lead right if you don't make contact within the first five minutes the odds of you actually getting in touch with that person go down like 70% after the first day and so all those online leads you know they convert it maybe a 1 2% if they're lucky if they're good on the phone and so they're spending countless hours hundreds of hours every week not week but every month and year just cold calling tire kickers and price shoppers and people who are just months or years away from making a purchase I know cause I've been that person in the past and so our approach is completely different when you implement the fortune and fund formula those 16 leads they're coming from premium sources uh quality open houses in the right neighborhoods in the price points that you actually wanna work in working with builder relationships and most importantly referrals from your community 200 a NARS own stats show that about 80% of home buyers and sellers are actually gonna choose their real estate agent from a trusted friend or family member from a referral source and those referrals are gonna convert it like a five to 10 times higher rate than any other elite source because the trust factor is already there they're coming from a friend or a family member or parent so the selling is already done haha you don't really have to do much it's like when you're fishing in a smaller stocked pond just full of fish everywhere versus like casting your reel out into the ocean where yeah there's fish but it's gonna be a lot harder to catch them you don't know if you're even in the right spot it's just a complete different approach to it alright so from your website I see you guys combined for a total of over $47 million worth of home sales in 2024 and I'm not a realtor that sounds like a lot to me um and you guys all see me living like completely different lifestyles so I'd love to hear your backstories like Josh let's start with you NAR tells me that the average age realtor is 55 but you're only like 28 or 29 so what's your story yeah my story is that I did some oil filled sales in West Texas and like this cell phone right here never stopped ringing and I can never get away from it and what I thought is I thought I was making good money I thought it was all worth it and after a few years of that I got burnt out so so what's what's the best thing what you know I'm working really hard what if I work for myself and so I landed on real estate and when I started in real estate um it was like I was working just as hard but without the money and so that's kind of how the fortune fund formula changed my life so I'm working but I'm really spending time with friends and what that's LED to is you know 2024$14 million in volume um made you know over 300,000 uh more money than I've ever made in my life at 28 years old and you know at 28 years old when you have a lot of friends and a lot of money you can live a really cool and fun life and that's kind of the shift I had from you know three years ago to where I'm at today it's it's a beautiful life that I've created using the formula before the call we were talking a little bit Josh and you you were whining to your girlfriend about your hard day at work just tell that story really quick yeah so she's a she's a nurse and you know she gets off work and she's like I've had a long day I'm like oh me too and she basically says well that's that's bullshit you know she's like she's like what you did today is you woke up and you went to the gym and you worked out with your friends and after that you uh you went you had coffee with your friends and after coffee you called some of your friends then after you called some of your friends you went to lunch with some of your friends then after lunch with your friends you had a consultation with your friends and after your consultation you went to you went had drinks at a happy hour with your friends and now you're here having dinner with me she's like that's not a hard day you just hung out with your friends all day and that's what the formula is to me it's like that's a beautiful thing right fortune and fun alright so Mike let's move on to you what's your story like I understand you moved to Florida and built a business completely from scratch so tell us what that journey look like yeah so in 21 2021 I moved to Florida from small town in Illinois Peoria and average home prices there were like 140,000 uh sale price so your your commissions were anywhere from 4 to 8,000 depending on white soul and uh you have to sell a lot to make six figures there and I was doing that but um I knew that like I could follow the traditional path which would be to build the team to do a lot of transactions and to make you know GCI by volume of transactions and I didn't really like that because I like taking vacations in fact we take six vacations a year um primarily to one of our lake houses in uh Arkansas but uh yeah love vacations love family time extra time time for myself things of that nature and building a big team like that like you ain't gonna have time for that so I needed to raise my price point cause there's two ways that you can make more money in real estate you can do more transactions or you can sell higher priced homes that's how you get bigger checks period so I decided to move to Florida and in 21 I moved to Florida I didn't know anybody from Adam you know I like I got here and I like had to rent a place I had to you know rent a car I had to do all that stuff fly here uh and I'll be flying back and forth from Illinois in the anyway so like the first six months I was here I did a little over 3 million in sales uh the first year I was here I did 10 million second year I did 16 million last year 2024 I was right around 14 million and then now 2025 it's only you know tomorrow's March 1st as of today of this recording and I'm already over 7 million pending for 2025 wow haha that's pretty cool story so you went from you had experience in real estate but you went to a brand new market so you went from zero to multi millions like right up right up right out of the gate pretty much yeah it's it was pretty within a few within I think two weeks I had met my first client and got them under contract you have any contacts you have anything like you just went out totally cold and did all this was scratched yeah the fortune and fund formula can help you build that like well it's really up to you how quick you do it you know you could you could get what you need quickly or semi quickly or a long time that's up to you but yeah I like the system works I guess that's man Mike is the man I guess that's how we just sort of started this call right like you so it doesn't sound like you're getting up in the morning and scrolling social media and you know figure out a plan and learning some stuff and you know learn something new tomorrow you have a you have a pretty strict strategies you're sticking to correct awesome so Connor what's your deal like I understand you come from the car industry but I think where you are in real estate is now is more based on what's happening with your family life is that correct that is correct matter of fact if you hear any crazy background noises it's because I got some toddlers and a pregnant wife and so I'm like muting this in between but um yeah so I I straight out of college I started working in the auto industry and kind of work my way up to a pretty high position at a car dealership I was the general sales manager and like a young 20 something year old was making like a ton of money which was great to pay off a lot of student debt but I I had an epiphany one day I woke up and I'm like you know what I'm gonna wake up in like 20 years and I'm gonna have like a lot of money couple kids but I'm gonna miss their whole life cause I was working like six days a week 12 hour days I it was miserable and so yeah I pretty much quit and got my real estate license and had no idea what I was doing um I basically got my real estate license and decided hey I'm gonna start a brokerage um with no experience or not knowing what to do went through like a ton of different coaching programs none of them just really stuck with me and I was grinding grinding and I mean Josh remembers the days um we were doing well but we were probably building a business like the hardest way you possibly could and it was the it was about the time I had my second daughter she was a pretty crazy birthing experience and it really just changed me and I had another kind of auto industry epiphany where I'm like okay I'm doing well but I'm I don't know if I'm happy and I don't know if this is sustainable and I don't want to I was missing family vacations I was missing things cause I thought that it was cool to work hard like I thought the grind was like honorable but there's nothing honorable about missing your family and I knew something had to change and so that's that's the fortune and fun formula where my focus is my family and obviously I want to provide a great you know lifestyle form which we do but I want to be there for me know if you break your day into like we have 24 hours in a day so 24 / 8 three so you're gonna spend you know hopefully eight hours sleeping and then eight hours working and eight hours doing whatever you want that's what people say well I didn't wanna spend more time working than I was awake with my family and so my priority is my family I built my whole business around being able to hang out with my kids and so last year I did around about 19 million in sales which is a little over half a million in GCI which was the best year I've had and what people call a down market you know it's and it's basically just off my community 200 just off of referrals and um yeah that's my story we're gonna get to the uh community 200 in a in a minute like what makes the fortune to find approach different from what's typically taught in real estate coaching and why does that matter for agents who are struggling with consistency let's get Josh to chime in and see what he thinks about it yeah I mean another big difference between the formula and like these other coaches we just reject that hustling grind mentality that all these coaches are telling you to cold call I mean I can't tell you all the YouTube and Instagram ads I get there like hey if you just make 200 calls in a day you can earn half a million dollars and I don't know about y'all but like that makes me cringe makes me wanna tear up and makes me wanna quit real estate is what it wants to do but when you're chasing those poor quality leads it doesn't really lead to the type of life that you might want so we designed the system to be successful and sustainable and so we focus on premium clients there's no fizzbos there's no expired listings and trust me I've done that I've done all the cold calling and it's pretty horrible um but those clients want the lowest commission and we'd rather work with fewer like Mike said we'd rather work with fewer clients and cash higher checks and maintain that work life balance than just cold calling all day and want to throw my phone against the wall you know so Connor um I was talking to you before this thing and you're talking about some of the promises that you're seeing from Realtors on Realtor coaches online tell us about that oh my gosh they're just ridiculous I mean you get on your Facebook feed and you see some like guy getting out of a Ferrari saying I'll teach you how to close five to 12 listings a month or get five to 12 listings a month and first off like there's probably like two solo agents in the in the nation that can consistently handle 11 listings a month like let's be real um even if you were able to like on a team sure maybe but if like even if you could do that the quality of service that you would be providing for all of your clients would just be horrible there's no way you could juggle that many um not to mention the life that you would have to live the lifestyle to handle all of that would just be horrible I mean it's just it's just ridiculous it's just not feasible and rather than like teaching like this huge large database and bombarding them with all this like marketing materials that I think the average human sees 4,000 and 10,000 ads per day and trying to compete with 4,000 to 10,000 ads I mean eventually people just become blind to all that stuff every coach is teaching the same thing it's you know Facebook and YouTube and just doing all these videos and you know our whole approach is being different and so if all the other coaches are saying let's get on Facebook and YouTube and that's like I'm gonna avoid those like the plague and so we just really focus on 200 meaningful relationships I mean that can generate it does for us can huge consistent income rather than having to develop like a tough skin where you can handle all like the rejection that you're gonna get from all the other ways and you know the traditional approach is so much like feast and famine because it's just like a burnout life cycle words like generate leads generate leads work on closing them soon as you close them gotta generate more leads generate more leads that just we've done it it sound it's exhausting it's not sustainable it's how you're gonna burn out and so that's just not a foundation for long term success yeah there's a reason why I live in the woods off the grid cause haha I don't like the burnout and that's what attracts me you guys so you call yourselves the fortune and Fun Formula so what's behind that name and how does it reflect your philosophy about real estate like Mike let's hear from you first well the name fortune and fund formula truly captures like what we believe in our philosophy and that that's that we can build a highly profitable business the fortune part while actually enjoying the process which is the fun part and most agents are taught that you know success requires suffering that you know you have to like endure countless rejection you know work 80 hours a week and essentially just kind of hate your life before you even make it like Connor was talking about earlier and you know we've proven that simply isn't true uh you know I take six weeks of vacation every year probably a little bit more you know this past year uh but six is like the base foundation and I just end love boating I like spending time with my family and I was able to do that while still selling over 14 million in real estate and earning good commission along the way so you know the the formula part is just it's crucial because this isn't just like positive thinking or you know vague advice it's specific repeatable systems that produce consistent results that's cool so Connor what's what's your take on it for me it's all about the fun part I mean the fortune part's important but fun you know that's kind of the center for me you know I kind of hit on it earlier when my second child was born six weeks early it rocked me completely changed my perspective on on everything and I realized I was building a business that but at some point make me wealthy but the cost was just too great for me it was missing the important moments and this formula it allows you to design a business around your life not like a life that you have to design around your business and you know I'm at all of my kids practices and games I'm home for breakfast lunch and dinner sometimes I don't like that but I'm not chained in my phone 24 7 like I can set this thing away and cool um you know it's it's um it's allowed us to really just live a life that's lucrative but but fun like that's the most important part about it is I don't hate my career I enjoy waking up every morning that's the key right and I'm not stressed yeah haha well from work haha yeah we I got a pregnant wife and two kids I'm stressed here what's going on with the back oh yeah try to keep this interview short so you get back to your real work of raising a family so Josh what's your take on it oh man I mean I love the formula right I mean that's really resonates with me when I left that job in the oilfield sales I had a good salary and honestly not a ton of savings and so I need to replace my income pretty quick and so I didn't have years to figure out okay this works and that doesn't work I need a system that work today and so you know again I did start with physicals and expired to quickly move to the fortune and fund formula and that's why we've created a clear implementable formula that produces results quickly and it doesn't take three four five 10 20 years to figure it out and I'm 28 you know um and so what I love most about the formula is it actually creates a virtuous cycle what I mean is when you're doing the work that you enjoy with clients that you enjoy you naturally perform better you're not burned out from cold calling or chasing leads you're not stressing over the income that you can't manage because you don't know where the next dealings coming from you have more energy to perform exceptionally well and so when you're making good money without sacrificing your life you bring a completely different energy and emotion to your business and we talk a lot about the heart set uh of what we do in the formula and so when your enthusiasm becomes contagious you begin to work and attract people and repel the ones you don't want to work for which are those uh for sale by owners and those expired so the fortune and fund formula becomes self reinforcing that way I mean it's it's uh I get excited and I I grant ear to ear just talking about the way it's transformed my life and the friendships I've made from that's cool and you said it pretty quick so I don't know if the listeners caught it but you said heart set and I know a lot of the coaches out there they're teaching mindset and the mindset is you know just to push through the negativity push through all the nose just like keep your y front and center like just work work work hustle hustle hustle grind grind grind and that's the mindsets where the coach you're talking about right you guys are more heart set orient which is which is why you're on the podcast because business is personal so to that end let's talk about some of the interest industry myths like what's the first big misconception most realtors have about generating consistent income Josh let's start with you oh man it's that you've got to pay your dues you know if I have one more realtor tell me that hey you gotta pay your dues Mike you're 55 and you make $150,000 a year I think I'm okay um yeah I'm 28 and you know just two years two and a half years into the industry I closed over 14 million volume I have some bragging rights cause I broke the the record uh for a broker to the 1.8 million dollar listing last year that closed and that was a builder a high end luxury builder who came to me you know I didn't go out and chase him down he called me and asked me if I could sell this home and so I'm proof you don't need decades of experience or connections and huge massive networks to make some real money the truth is the clients don't really care how long you've been in business and they don't care all they care is that you solve their problem effectively and you don't let them down you get the job done properly so with the right system you can create consistent income within just months not years uh and success in real estate is about having the right approach not about serving your time or or being in the industry for 20 years so you can meet the right people your builders got a couple more for you coming too doesn't it oh yeah three 3 by the end of the year that they just poured foundations on 2000000+ each so yeah alright I don't think we need any more proof than that um like I mentioned like we hear so much about the hustle culture in real estate so Mike how does your approach challenge that hustle culture mindset great question um well I'm living proof the hundred like the hustle culture I'm really bad with English today but yeah I'm living proof that like the hustle culture it's a myth I mean when I moved to Florida like I talked about before I didn't really know anybody but instead of working 80 hour weeks I just created a structured process that let me be strategic with the time that I was using you know even while like commuting between the two states Illinois here during that time you know I never missed a lakehouse vacation or weekly time on the boat last year I took like I said 6 7 weeks of vacation while generating over 14 million in sales and our system isn't about working more hours it's about being effective with the time that you have and using that time doing the right things not chasing shiny new next you know not starting and stopping but doing duplicatable repeatable systems that work yeah I know with me if I've got a busy day ahead and I've got deadlines like I get a lot of stuff done but when I don't have those deadlines and I have time to do it all I do nothing right it's so it's really cool that if you have a strategy you have a focus you know what you need needs to be done you can do a fair bit um what about technology in social media I see a lot of coaches and gurus like really pushing that I know AI is a huge thing now so Josh what's your take on technology and social media oh man I think I could have like a Netflix comedy special about me dealing with technology and social media I mean I had I had my taco night my gathering last night and I told someone yesterday that it took me three days and almost about 4 broken windows to figure out how to use my outlook email um but you know I'm the youngest and I'm the least tech savvy here and I like I struggle to work the zoom calls and I'm always messing with my microphone and the camera and it just I don't know why I just can't figure it out I've never gone viral from a TikTok dance or any Instagram algorithms or anything like that but an outperforming agents who do all the crazy I don't even know the dances that they do nowadays but um I'm meeting these people like face to face and they're just normal people right so my take is while people are chasing likes I'm building a community of people that want to do business with and that's the community 200 so technology should support your business but not become your business the real deals happen person to person and not in the comment section so that's that's my tip again I I know why you guys are on the because business is personal podcast everything you've told me so far is so personally oriented that's that's so so cool so um what's the reality about building a referral based business that most agents don't understand Connor I think the biggest misunderstanding is probably a couple but um the biggest one about a referred business is you don't have to constantly ask people for business I like to call that like an NFL agent NFL means like no friends left because you're just constantly harassing people um you turn like every like like making friends or meeting family like they dread your phone calls cause it's just like oh this guy I know he's got an agenda and it doesn't have to be like that um I think the other big misconception is it like that it takes a lot of time because it doesn't have to take a lot of time and then probably the third one is that you have to have a lot of people because you don't and so like a true referral business it's not about harassing a lot of people it's about creating like real genuine rock solid relationships and friendships without any like sales pressure or you know anything like that when I built my Community 200 I focus on first being a good friend to someone and a resource to them I always say like turning people you know into someone that's a friend a friend into a good friend and a good friend into a great friend and when you have the heart set of that going into it referrals just come naturally I mean your phone just rings it's like oh hey cool someone referred someone to me and that is a sustainable business it's a much more enjoyable way to do things and there's no sales involved because when you have a referral like that when you do when you have a business like that like they're gonna work with you you don't have to have some fancy listing presentation it allows you to be you when you interact with everybody so and I I have to give Connor props he is like the over love be kind to everyone community 200 referral king so well and the other cool thing about it was is like I wear a white T-shirt every single day I am who I am to everybody and it doesn't matter if I'm meeting someone for a hundred thousand dollar home or a million dollar home it's when you have referrals like that you're just you're allowed to be who you are that's cool so my book is empathic marketing my specialty is marketing and I love marketing over sales cause marketing is what sounds like you're doing Connor like with marketing people are coming to you with sales you're chasing them right and so you just said it's really cool you know you're sitting playing with your kids the phone rings like hey you know so and so just referred me to you that's what yeah you turn your people into like walking billboards nice and not because you asked them to because they want to let's get down to the like the nuts and bolts of this right it sounds like success in real estate comes from like three core elements right you need to generate leads you need to close those leads and then Connor you need those leaves to be you know leave generating machines referrals for you so absolutely how accurate would that would my take on that be Mike well I mean absolutely we've stripped away all the complexity and found that successful agents focus on really just those three things and uh what's fascinating is how they like interconnect with what we call the 1682 which Josh talked about earlier and each week you know you want to generate around four to five quality leads which should convert to eight consultations over the month and resulting in two of those premium clients like doing business with you now you have to remember when you're focusing in the right pond and working with the right people a lot of those people have homes to buy and sell so you know you might work with two out of the eight but two out of those eight also might have two sides on them so anyway when you have this type of framework suddenly all the noise of the shiny new next and the you know just doing the wrong stuff it just falls away and you can look at any activity and ask hey is this moving us towards the 1682 uh and if it's not then it's probably a distraction and you should stop doing that type of work so scrolling Facebook looking to comment on some of my friends feeds are you saying that might be a distraction or is that something I should focus more on yeah how much GCI has that got me this past year is that the question is that the question so if I'm gonna do something is the question how much GCI is gonna generate for me correct very cool so uh before we get into the specifics why do these three elements I think we just we just covered it is all about the GCI but why do these three elements matter more than everything else the agency agents oh sorry agents might be focusing on because that's the only thing that's gonna pay you haha I mean that's the biggest reason like most agents you know they're gonna get lost in activities that feel productive because it feels like you're doing something you know like redesigning your marketing materials coming up with a new email signature working on oh gosh your website the amount of agents we hear well I'm working on a website cool you know they get stuck in admin tasks I have a war against email like just because something needs to get signed within like 30 days of the closing doesn't mean you have to do it right then and there um the 16 8 2 triangle that gives you clarity and if you implement that framework the first thing they're gonna notice agents is how much time they actually are wasting on things that will never make them money what you need to focus on generating 16 quality leads convert eight of those into a consultation and two premium clients now the thing that we should note might kind of hit a hit on it is 16 leads eight consultations two clients but with our system most of those two clients have a house to sell and a house to buy so two clients is is four transactions and when you're working at the right price point I mean you do the math that they're selling a 500 buying a 700 and you have two clients every month that are doing that yeah I mean that's how if you do that consistently every single month just by focusing on the triangle you're gonna outperform 95 or more percent of the agents in not only your marketplace but probably the nation not probably definitely alright so we've talked about some of the things you shouldn't be doing but what should you be doing like how many different lead generation methods does the fortune fund formula actually have well we actually have 11 um but within those 11 we have the five core ones that we focus on we focus on those because pretty much any realtor can implement those at zero to very little cost and so some of our five core open houses community 200 build a relationships Tuesday Friday calls and online leads and each one um serves as a different you know purpose and together they can create a very balanced approach um that's not gonna leave you vulnerable if you know one source starts to slow down you still got 4 others or 3 others however many you implement and anyone can do this uh you don't need um crazy skills you don't need a huge bank account and I mean Josh's proof you don't need tech skills to do alright pick up Josh too much so we don't I don't think we have time this podcast to go into all five of those lead generation strategies but Josh and kind of peaked my interest earlier when he was talking about those builder leads so is it true that you're gonna earn a commission on a house that you've never seen as being sold to a couple you've never met and that's true could you share that story with us and what our Realtor listeners could do to hopefully develop similar relationships yeah I mean ultimately uh you know there's a point last year where I worked with five different um custom builders and then I also had relationships with what we would call national builders and so ultimately the one I tell the story on is the sexy one which is at 1.8 the one who's given me these 2 million plus um dollar listings and we have a very specific way to attract these builders but also the crazy thing about this guy was he was a community 200 and he came to me you know we have a very specific way to go find them but he was a community 200 that found me instead of me going chasing him down and so you know it it's it's crazy cause all I see are these photos of these homes what they look like in eight to 10 to 12 months from now and I don't know what they look like currently right I see the foundations and where they're at but what I know is they're beautiful incredible homes that because I built a real genuine relationship with these builders that I get to sell these homes and I get to do open houses which is another way and I get to tell the story to my other builders of like hey here's a home that I'm selling we should do something like this and so it's a it's a cool way to build a business but also it's a testament to what the foundation of the Fortune Fund formula is which is that Community 200 um and the cool thing about the builders as well is when you Tuesday Friday call them and you call them monthly for your community 200 calls and you invite them to your taco night builders no builders and so most of my custom builder referrals and the ones I do business with are actually referrals from other builders who they say you've got to use this guy he's great so so how did you get your first builder to work with my first builder what is that process look like yeah so my first builder I sold one of his homes I had a buyer who bought his home and I put him into my community 200 and I called him every single month and I told him hey if I could increase your profit by 100% and decrease your stress by 50% would that be okay with you and he's like well what does that mean you know and and to be honest it wasn't the first time I called him it wasn't the second time I called him but every time I called him he answered and we built a real relationship to where he had a home that the realtor just wasn't performing on and he said well you said you can increase my profit by 100% decrease my stress by 50% how can you do that and then we went into the triangle right um and so what the triangle is it's like hey who takes the phone calls well I'll be taking the phone calls who shows the home okay I'll be showing the home and who delivers which now you as the builder I'm gonna sell your home so I'm gonna deliver on the selling side but how we're gonna increase your profit is like when I show them a house I'm not gonna ask them 100 questions about the home or to pre qualify them before I show it I just go show it and that's that's what the system is it's so simple but it's replicatable and um he that specific builder my very first one ever referred me to three other custom builders who I now work with so cool so that sounds that sounds amazing um but I say before the call you were talking about a builder I don't know if he's studying he might do it but he says he's gonna put your name on a contract even though you haven't really done any work on that contract what happened there oh yeah so that would be so what I was speaking about just now was custom builders that would be what we call national builder and so what we do is we build a relationship with National Builders the sales rep that work for them and I have one 1 company that that I partner with um they are required to put an agent on every single contract and so you know what that means when an unrepresented buyer walks into an office that means my name gets put on a contract I don't know about y'all but that's pretty cool um so thank you for clarifying that in the question you were asking but yeah I mean you know it's the 400 500,000 dollar home that I get 3% in this company they spent almost no money on marketing but what they do is they build really good realtor relationships and they offer realtor bonuses of up to 6% at times so you there's a chance in a very high high like high likely I can't contracting whatever Mike has with my speech this morning um there's a high likelihood that I get put on a contract this year at 6% for a buyer that I've never met oh that's awesome so what is your uh what I think you mentioned earlier but just read it what's your pipeline look like now for 2025 when it comes to these builder relationships oh I mean um gosh currently you got at least 6 million from those I would say just from the builder relationship somewhere from 9 to 9 to 11 million already currently this year just from builders wow it just for people who might be listening to this at any time of the year it's work tomorrow is March 1st so that's 9 or 10 million in the first two months of the year yeah that's that's where most realtors do in a career that's awesome so I know you said you got 11 ways and so you got 10 other ways of generating these premium leads besides the builders but we don't have time to go to those but if our viewer stick around until the end I I think you guys are gonna share how they can get access to all this thing right so what I wanna discuss next is the next step in the formula I know most realtors want leads leads and more leads but with what you said you don't need a ton of leads in fact you it sounds like real there can make an accountants you know salary with a few or 16 leads per month so Mike can you explain how that is possible how do you how do you convert 16 leads yeah great question so the conversion part you know when you think a business is like a triangle the first side is you gotta have leads the second side is you gotta like compel or convert people to like do business with you and the bottom side is you gotta deliver and so what traditional realtors do are that they're called buyer presentations or listing presentations and they're super long they're like an hour 45 minutes they talk a lot about the company and how good they are and their stats and this that and the other thing and how working with them is the best decision for that person and um a lot of times people also spend months working with clients that don't take action and so we I realized pretty quickly that that method doesn't work and so with the 4th and fortune of fun formula we needed to have a system that gets to the heart of the matter like quickly to get to that heart set of why is this person here what are they looking for and can we help them get it or not because sometimes you can sometimes you can't and if you can't like I don't wanna spend months with you whoever you are if you're not gonna take action right if you're a tire kicker so we developed a 10 minute consultation so this thing literally takes 10 minutes and the first five minutes we talk about like us and what makes us different the next five minutes we just ask a series of questions to help gain clarity on is now the time to move or not because I think that's uh what's going on in consumers mind is like is it time to move now or not like and so there there get that the tug of war game is happening you know between several facets whatever is going on in that person's life you know it's it's either financial or they're moving on to the next chapter upsizing downsizing or whatever the case may be but it's not like there's a million reasons why people move there's really only about seven or 10 reasons why people move and you know the psychologically like the tire kickers they can never just make the decision you know they just constantly think about it but they don't do anything and so also even when people do wanna move and uh they can kind of get in their own way they can kind of like sabotage their own success so to speak and so we really need to know the truth the heart set of while people are moving so that we can help them make wise decisions through the process and this 10 minute consultation like it just gets it done and it gets it done quickly because it's getting to the core of why these people are moving like the why behind it so to speak but even deeper than that it's the heart set behind it and so once you know that like you at the end of that 10 minutes I tell my clients because I'm the one that's like helping them get what they want so at the end of that 10 minutes I'm gonna say yeah based on this information you told me I think you should just stay put or I'm gonna say based on this information you just told me I say we go get what you want and then at that point sometimes if it say it's a listing they just read they're just ready to sign they don't even ask commission questions they don't even ask they anything they just they just want what they want and they realize that you're the guy that's gonna help them or gal or whatever like you're the person that's gonna help them get what they want because they just went through something that they've never been through before and that helps gain clarity like real clarity in a very short amount of time I think one of the reasons that I would wanna work with you guys is cause you have some sort of hundred dollar promises you make what just tell us really briefly what those hundred dollar promises are yeah so we have I have multiple promises but three promises that are hundred dollar promises and number one is just like I'm always gonna be on time and if I'm ever late for any reason one minute I'll just give you a hundred bucks that's like my promise to hold myself accountable to do what I say I'm gonna do number two is like I'm just gonna be brutally honest with you no matter what which also means I might tell you something that you don't wanna hear and if you catch me lying to you I'll give you $100 and lastly I'm just gonna do what I say I'm gonna do and if I don't I owe you $100 would you appreciate working with a realtor that did that for you that's that's cool like I think if you do a Google search for you know politicians and realtors the public opinion is pretty much the same for both of them because they both do the same thing politicians and realtors that is tell you what they want to hear so they can get your vote or get your money that consultation seems to take care of a lot of that so let's just change gears a little bit and Connor I got a question for you so I know like with a typical realtor I see like a hamster wheel approach right they find a lead they convert a lead they close a deal then they start from scratch finding new leads and that just seems to be super exhausting and inefficient but from what I understand about the fortunate fun formula closing a deal is basically like the beginning of relationships not the end the closing the beginning is the end so tell us a little bit about the Community 200 and what exactly this is and how it drives referrals well you're absolutely right about the hamster wheel I mean at one point I was on that hamster wheel but I do wanna correct something most realtors they do try to stay in touch with the past clients um but they do it completely wrong and it's not a very good approach um so they send like generic emails that are probably just going to spam not kidding red uh they'll send out like those yearly calendars um where it's like oh maybe they have like their favorite sports teams schedule on there and some magnet calendar to put in your fridge that's doing nothing for them um or the awkward hey just checking in to see if you have any friends that need a realtor like those phone calls good way to get your phone number blocked um and it's just purely transactional they're just mining for leads that's the whole reason why they're staying in touch with people the Community 200 is completely different so it's about building 200 genuine relationships with people that actually care about you and that you actually care about so we have a structured system for meaningful contact uh it's it's monthly gatherings for me to taco night uh we have a personal phone call that's structured in a great way um where we listen more than we talk matter of fact I think I say like three words during the call it's like tell me more I mean that's that's about as much as it is where we're just connecting with people and real estates not the focus of of any of it really um and they're not leads I wanna be very specific these are the community under there are not leads their relationships okay and when you truly care about someone's life not the next transaction just they become natural advocates of your business it's it's easy to see how it can work like that do you have any specific stories of this in action oh my gosh yeah so the first closing I had this year um came from a okay so we'll back up to about halfway through I think it was June of 2024 somebody in my neighborhood heard um I think it was anyway I don't know how they got in contact with me but they're like hey we wanna talk you about listing our house and so my cool so I go out there and I do my consultation you know they're one of my 16 leads one of my eight consultations and they didn't like the brutal honesty part meaning your home's gonna sell for here but they were like hey we gotta sell it for here and it's cool uh it's it's not going to and they found a realtor who said hey yeah we can sell your home for here and that kinda like Mike just mentioned um yeah they they lied to him or maybe they were just really hopeful just to get the listing and six months later it didn't work out but what I did was I put them in my community 200 and I called them every month and I treated them like a friend not a transaction even though their home was listed but we weren't talking about real estate so it's cool like I'm just being their friend six months later they call me um and they say our our home is not selling our our listing agreement with Realtor X just expired would you consider listing our house like of course I'd love to and they agreed to price it appropriately um and I had their home sold in two days oh well and they told me like a week before closing they're like Connor we should have used you from the beginning we're sorry um I'm thank you for taking this whole weight and stress off of us like this has been night and day different from previous experiences we wish we would have just listened to you in the beginning um I got that you know closing I was my first one of the years a 500,000 dollar house because I put them in the community 200 I I wanted to be their friend cause they're awesome cool people um now it's it's it's easy it's too easy that's so cool that you could still consider somebody an awesome cool person when they decided not to listen with you I mean that's the part of the consultation it's hey we can do this we can work together that's awesome if not I'm having tacos at my house we can still be friends either ways perfect and and that's just that's one example um that's happened a lot and I'm sure it's happened a lot for Michael I'm sure it's happened a lot for Josh that's just my most recent one right okay so so we've heard about your Community 200 strategy and that sounds like a pretty cool story uh Josh's builder strategy but you you mention there's three other core lead generation that you teach your system so without diving too deep and for the Realtors who are listening and want to start implementing fortunate fun right away which of the five core strategies would you recommend they tackle first and and why well I would start with open houses now I know that like as soon as I said that word any realer that's listening they this they it's like the chalkboard like that they're just like they're like oh open houses like that's terrible and I I understand like when you do things in a traditional way a lot of it's terrible um but yeah open houses they're also a fantastic way to meet people where they're at to build a community and to meet new clients and I did all of that when I came to Florida and that's really how I built my foundation here in Florida was open houses online leads and building that community 200 everything else we do but open houses guess what it costs zero dollars to host an open house and you well you gotta buy some signs and you need gas money so like for less than 100 bucks you can go host several open houses right and the beautiful thing about open houses is you can pick the price point that you wanna be at and the neighborhood you wanna be in and you don't even need a listing so those three things are like fantastic so you can literally move to somewhere you don't know anyone from Adam like I did you can start driving around in nice neighborhoods that you wanna do business in start calling the realtor signs or you can look it up on the MLS and column and just let them know yeah I'm a realtor I'm in the area I see you got this cool house at 1 2 3 blueberry and I'd love to help you get that thing sold and so like yeah can I host an open house for you and some realtors are gonna be like no click or whatever you know and you might have to call 15 20 25 30 I don't know but I'm sure there's more than that many listings in your area but eventually you're gonna find one that's like yeah I love you to do that and then that's one cool person that like if they have more listings they're gonna let you do it and so as you get like more familiar with the area better at just having conversations with people you'll be able to land open houses like no problem now they even have apps it's like there were open they like need people to host open houses and you just go in the app and select the house uh I I wouldn't do that to begin with because I wanna be selective of where I'm at and what I'm doing um but yeah then the people that come in the open house like like I'm dressed today I'm in a T-shirt with shorts and a ball cap exactly how I look in an open house like I don't dress up I don't wear name tags I don't have signing sheets I don't have listing sheets like everything I do is different like we talked about in the beginning you said hey what's different about fortune and fun formula well everything and same thing with the open house like everything we do in the open house is different because we're focused on helping people get what they want not on selling them something and so I think the traditional realtor is focused on selling them the house that they walk into and you know it's not rocket science like these people are coming into this open house it's because they wanna buy something or thinking about selling and if this isn't the house they're gonna buy something pretty similar to it that's got a different layout a different kitchen the different whatever but within a couple hundred grand in either direction that's probably what they're gonna purchase so you know open houses is also a great way to understand your market and so if you preview like go visit five to 10 open houses every week it doesn't take long before you know the the market inventory and you know if you keep track of that stuff and you meet someone in an open house and they don't like it you can say hey well have you seen one two three blueberry yeah we seen one two three blueberry it's not for us so what about 7 1 2 Castle street now we haven't seen that one off you gotta see Castle Street I'm done here at 2 like let's go take a look and bada Bing bada boom and then if they're like now we've seen Castle Street well you seem like cool people uh I'm having tacos at my house this coming Tuesday at 5 you should come and they're like what they're like yeah and sometimes I don't even tell him what I just ask him I'll say hey what are you doing next Tuesday are you gonna eat food and like the reason I say that is because we have to pattern interrupt people because psych psychologically people are coming into an open house they know a salesperson's in there and they do not wanna talk to them and we are like zombies humans in general we get stuck in our routines we we you can drive to work and forget how you got there has that ever happened to you yeah yeah I know it should be yep so like we're just zombies kind of walking through life and so being different is better than being better and being different is asking different questions and so like hey what are you gonna do next Tuesday you gonna eat food they're like uh yeah why oh I'm having tacos at my house you should come here's here's my address and like nobody's doing that no one's inviting people to their home because hey are you a freaking psycho or like like you know in today's society that's not like common right but like very rarely do people say no and then I'll be like oh what's your number I'll text you my info and then I text him and I'm like hey is it if you don't make it this month is it cool if I invite you next month they're like yeah so any human that's coming in the door of that open house like one of four things is happening like number one you're gonna buy the house with me like now number two is we're gonna go look at other homes or do a consultation number three is like you're coming to taco night and then number four is uh like well I might never talk to you again awesome so that was a lot but if our listeners really wanna dive deeper into this at the end of the podcast we'll we'll share how they can how they can dive more in depth this open house strategy yours and as a marketing guy I'm just gonna throw this out there for free to you guys but I think you should change the name of your business from fortune to fund to Fortune Fun and tacos just it doesn't always have to be tacos it seems like you guys are quite tacos tacos but I live in the middle Fortune tacos and fun you know I know we did just talk a lot about past but let me let me just add one thing to that because I think a lot of realtors don't realize this they're afraid of open houses cause they don't wanna waste their time but they'll waste a lot of their money on online leads and what's the goal of an online lead um call them get them on the phone once you get them on the phone make a plan to meet them once you make a plan to meet them show them a house do the consultation so and they spend money to do that or you could skip all of that do an open house and what do you have in front of you a live human being the gold online lead is to get in front of a live human being like person to person what are you doing open house you just skipped all that and you didn't spend any money to do it so I don't know maybe all the realtors that think open houses are a waste of time don't wanna do good because we can do more of them I gotta keep mentioning this like how you guys are such a good fit for because business is personal and I think realtors I think people in general now we just wanna do everything at a distance like just distance ourselves from our client or customer as far as possible like let's get AI to text with them like let's I just wanna sit back not talk to anybody and collect paychecks and Josh is the only one who really has figured out how to get paychecks without doing any work Josh does that yeah Josh does do that not with the text side with his builders but with a relationship with with a relationship right and so yeah you guys like say when it comes to because business personal everything you guys are doing is so personally focused so I guess that brings me to like such an easy answer to the Realtors like oh that won't work in my market like fortune fun won't work in my market how do you respond to that oh that's one of the most common questions we get it's like and I understand why people ask it but here's the reality we've tested this across different markets I mean look at Mike he did it in Illinois then he moved to the luxury market in Florida which were two completely different um buyer seller profiles uh we've got Josh in the very competitive Dallas Fort Worth luxury market and me working with families at various price points so um it works in all markets and we have students who successfully use this in literally every state in the United States with probably exception of like Connecticut I don't think we've ever had anyone in Connecticut use it there but we've had realtors crush it even in Hawaii Alaska uh they always complain about the time zones for the calls but uh the beauty of the Fortune Fun formula it's based on human psychology and humans are the same in Texas as they are in Florida and California I mean for the most part we the psychology works everywhere it's about relationship building not marketing and gimmicks people everywhere they want to work with agents that they trust who demonstrate professionalism who generally care about them and those fundamentals like fundamentals now I caught what Josh had I can't talk either um they don't change whether you're like in a small town America or a huge metropolitan area like Dallas Fort Worth we've had agents do this in markets like I mentioned with Michael I'm not sure what the average price point in Illinois was hundred fifty thousand something like that and then go to like the luxury Southwest Florida waterfront beachfront market 3000000+ California stuff like that so yeah that's a common smoke string where it's oh it's not gonna work in my market we probably have had someone do it in your market and crush it with the system so um it's real estate ultimately it's a people business and that's universal everywhere that's cool so Josh what what do you think about taking a more personal approach to business and for someone who's tried other coaching programs without success what do you think it is that makes the fortune and fun approach so different I mean it's great I mean the three biggest differences is like like first we're actually selling real estate right now like I closed a deal yesterday well yeah yesterday so many coaching programs are run by people who haven't sold the home in years and you know we're using strategies daily in today's market and so second we're focusing on implementation and not information again most coaching programs overwhelm you with content to provide little guidance and execution and we've stripped kind of everything away and we've created a step by step system that's actually implementable in all markets in the you know Connor talked about the markets but all stages of life like you have me at 28 with no kids Connor with the young family and Mike with with his family and so the third is we're teaching a completely different approach and so while most coaches push cold calling in social media for paying for thousands your thousands for leads like we're showing you how to work with premium clients who value your expertise because you treat your business like a doctor like a like a doctor would treat a a patient who came in and so our clients consistently tell us how refreshing it is that we build a business that they actually enjoy and not one that they have to endure and so the difference is our system works because it's designed to both be effective and sustainable you shouldn't have to choose between success and happiness have that but ultimately if I can do that in 20 hours a week like I can live a pretty good life going back to my story about my girlfriend tell me all I did for work today was hang out with my friends yeah I don't know about you guys but that sounds like a fun and fortunate way to live life alright so it sounds like going back to the beginning a lot of realtors today are surfing social media making plans Connor working on their website you know doing all this stuff that um I think we said like that you can't track to immediate GCI right and so I'm just wondering and what you're telling me now is that you can invest 20 hours per week doing a structured strategy like the formula so what's the cost of not doing this work right now like what's the cost that a realtor who's you know still social surfing social media instead of implementing a proven formula well I think the cost the biggest cost is the money that they're not making right I mean the the real estate game it's changing fast buyers and sellers when we're in the information is they have more access to information than ever before they don't need someone to help them look up properties or check values or you know do market research on neighborhoods I mean that can all be done without a real estate agent and especially now with like AI getting into the mix of things a lot of agents are really worried about their future I mean especially with like the whole NAR commission lawsuit stuff so many real estate is just completely quit um but here's the thing technology it's never gonna replace real human expertise um and actually I think this technology it's it's making what we do even more valuable the agents who are struggling are the ones that are trying to compete just based on giving information alone like that's their value at is hey I can give you information that you already have or can go get on your own our systems built for this exact moment in time and what other agents you know are panicking about like AI and trying to become tech experts overnight I mean you're a marketer how hard is it to run Facebook to figure all that stuff out are you a real estate agent or are you a marketer you got to pick which one you wanna be but you know we're not focusing on technology um we're building we're building relationships and the biggest cost for people um it's the money that they're not making while they continue to struggle working on the wrong things uh it's the impact of not having on people most you know I would probably say like 90% of real estate agents when they first came into the business and you ask them why it's like oh cause I wanna help people well if you don't know how to help people you're not helping anyone you're not helping yourself and you're not helping them by focusing on the wrong things um you know I think agents who adopt this new approach especially today they're gonna stand out dramatically against the sea of competition against all the 4,000 to 10,000 ads are saying probably half of them are from other real estate agents doing dorky market research updates that aren't gonna do anything for you so um I don't you know the cost is high but there's never been a better time to intimate something like this than today yeah that's again my books Empathic Marketing my podcast is because business is personal and like it's a pendulum right it's always a pendulum and we went from personalized service to you know the introduction of the internet and websites and all that and sort of strung the other way where you know we don't have to talk to we don't have to touch anybody and now you know buyers are just feeling lost out there on their own so the pendulum swing back the other way so I think that you guys with your personal approach is definitely gonna stand out so for the Realtors who are intrigued by being more personal by having a business that's built on referrals um you wanna learn more about implementing implementing fortune of fun what's Josh what's the next step for them yeah I mean the next step is just book a free strategy call today with us I mean during this call will take time to understand your current situation your your business and really identify the biggest opportunities and determine which aspects of the fortune fund formula that best fits you and your business and your lifestyle today because again I can't drive home like this enough that so much of this is we've created this so we can live the life that we want and so we want this to fit you and your lifestyle not just help you to make money and so um you know different realtors connect with different parts of our system and some are natural relationship builders who thrive with the community 200 so others may have a more analytical approach that works perfectly with our builder strategy and this is some this isn't some generic consultation here to just pitch you guys on um will have a real conversation about your business and provide at least one or two actionable insights on how you can implement that right away so even if we never work together beyond this call you'll walk away with some value that you can implement into your business so you can book this call for free their website at Fortune Fund com or I think you said you put the link in the show notes that we personally take these calls ourselves so you would have myself uh Michael McKinley or Connor Nilsson on the call with you there's no sales team or middlemen because we wanna make sure that you're getting the advice for someone who's actively in the market implementing these strategies every single day what sounds good but as somebody who's been in the marketing business for a long time when I when I hear free strategy call I immediately start to think this is gonna be high pressure pressure pressure now I've caught you caught it I caught it too oh my God give me that bug so yeah I I immediately think it's gonna be some sort of high pressure sales that's right so is that what people should expect if they book a call with you guys yeah I understand that concern like in fact like I'd probably be thinking the same thing too but here's the truth this calls actually part of our Community 200 approach and philosophy and like in live action we generally want like want to build relationships with other agents who share the same values now will we talk about our coaching program and see if it's a good fit absolutely but there's not any pressure to join we've had amazing calls with other agents who we determined that this is not a good fit form um but they were still able to walk away at the end of the call with some good things that they could and insights that they could implement in their business like today to make money and some of those agents have later on referred people to us um I mean that's exactly how the Community 200 works focusing on building genuine connections first and just good things naturally happen after that alright so are there any final thoughts that you like to share with our listeners about building a sustainable business um in today's market yeah so I mean it just comes down to having a plan whether it's a fortune fund formula like or some other approach you just need a system that you can follow daily you can't wake up in the morning and just wing it like we were talking about like you need something that guide you you need something that you can wake up do the actions repeatedly so that you can see the results uh but here's the caveat that like most coaches are missing you have to actually enjoy the strategy it's like weight loss like most of us have found systems that work but we gain the weight and then you know we don't really enjoy the process we don't stick to it and you know what happens from there haha um for example like if you make 100 cold calls a day like many coaches tell you to do uh I can guarantee that like your fun and the system is isn't sustainable and success without enjoyment is just another form of failure I mean find a system that you can stick with because you actually like it and the results will follow naturally alright so before you wrap up Mike could you share one thought on what's possible for our listeners if they implement these strategies what's possible well I mean I think the results speak for themselves Josh has built a 14 million dollar business at 20 eight uh with premium builders and most veterans agents like they ain't doing that and they're envying what Josh is doing he's 28 Connor generated almost 20 million last year uh while making family his priority like you know for him he wants to be there all the time I'm different I got a family too but I don't wanna be there all the time I enjoy me time as well uh but I respect honor and and like love the fact that he can do that for himself that he built that and then you know I did 14 million in sales last year starting from scratch in a business area that like I knew nobody so I think what matters most is it's not just the numbers it's the lifestyle and we've all built businesses that serve our lives you know and they the business doesn't consume us and that's exactly what we wanna help others create too so we're offering this free strategy call to help you identify we all have it to help you identify which parts of the system really would work best for you and your specific situation whether you're a brand new agent or a veteran looking to upgrade your business we'd love to chat and so obviously check us out online at fortunefund com or click the link or whatever you do to like make it show up or whatever it does there um but yeah like uh well well like just make it happen for you when you give us a call and we're gonna be brutally honest with you which means like at the end of that conversation you're worried they're gonna tell you like hey you should do business with us or like now we're not a good fit for you oh cool so I like to make sure that uh my listeners get some sort of perk for for listening to my podcast so what sort of additional offer can you make my listeners that are are good fit for your uh for your coaching program so for your listeners that are a good fit for our coaching program as long as Josh and Connors cool with it we would like to offer like a free month of coaching okay cool I would I'd be on board for that I mean might thank you for having us on I know you have a lot of people who listen to this and so I think a free month is great yeah so this is a this is a podcast it's recorded um and so this this podcast gonna be out there for all eternity is this offer good for all eternity or you gonna take it down at some point oh we're gonna take it down at some point oh haha okay alright so so if it's if it's there it's there and if it's not there then you guys might be a capacity with your coach here or for whatever reason but just just taking your chances I guess yeah as of as if I mention you and your podcast that's definitely a bonus okay awesome well thanks guys like I said I'm so glad I found you um because I'm always looking for people who put the personal side into business and I wanna thank all of our listeners to to join us and for the Realtors listening I wanted to make sure that they check the show notes or visit visit Fortune Fund com to check out that that free strategy call which is not a sales pitch and but there will be the opportunity to get some coaching from these guys and listen it sounds like the coaching that you provide is very similar to the coaching I provide right it's it's all about empathy it's all about understanding your audience it's all about being purchased don't use those big words like empathy hahaha well I don't know how to tell that no you guys are all about the tacos hahaha alright guys so thanks again it's been great having you on the call until next time this is Mike Caldwell with because business is person boom and we're gonna have to change the name now to fortune and tacos and fun